Tuesday, September 7, 2010

You wouldn't like me when I'm Angry

4 weeks into term 4. This semester is going fast... and you really have to spend every minute just to keep up. My little sleep/workout experiment continues - I managed to consistently get up a few minutes before 6 - though exhaustion has keep me in bed until about 6:15am these days...

One thing I've noticed is the work schedule has really shortened everyone's tempers... or at least mine and my friend Ph. I feel like David Banner - especially yesterday as a variety of small nothingness made me furious - from not being allowed off the bus at the security spot, to searching for the mysterious (and non-existent) poster printer and then being late for lab for the first time only to walk in on a pop quiz (luckily did not count for credit). I still managed to pwn the quiz though. I nearly lost it on the Lab Director when he said I should just hand in a hand-drawn version of my concept maps - after I've been using (with great enjoyment) the software they posted on the website! After explaining my issues with printing on campus, Dr. W says: "why don't you just hand draw it?" and that nearly made me turn green and tear my shirt off. I started to say "First of all...you $!%* ^*#@" but realized who I was talking to and managed to switch it up to "First of all, (catch breathe) this has been a great learning tool! And secondly you recommended it" so we managed to patch things up and I can submit electronically.

Today I am in a much better mood and I think it is because I got up at my normal time and worked out. Yesterday, I had no workout and got up kinda late (6:45 - about an hour behind schedule) so the day started off on the wrong foot. But really, the daily exercise has kept me balanced and focused -- I really think it's kept the stress level down this term... of course, we'll see how it pays off on the exams!

Otherwise, term 4 is a massive amount of very interesting and actually real medicine work. I am putting together a lot of things in my head from past experiences and thinking about future research...I love it :D