Monday, February 1, 2010

Medblog Mania

Stumbling around the internet, I managed to find the medGadget Medical Weblog awards finalists which listed some really great blogs that you should check out(see the website and my newly updated blogroll). One of my favorite things about blogs is the blogroll and once I found some quality medblogs from that site I started hitting up links and before I knew it I had spent hours reading about the tattoo to tooth ratio and a med student that was diagnosed with cancer (Hodgkin's) 3 weeks before USMLE Step 1. I also learned how essential Physics is to my medical career as well as found an interesting blog that details random and crazy medical inventions from the 1800's.

All this inspired me to get off my butt and update my blogroll, rss feed and other assorted details of this site. I also managed to find a bunch of SGU bloggers (see the blogroll) - none of which are officially sanctioned by the school :P

OK I finished my coffee, time to go to school...enjoy the links and leave a comment if you have some favorite medblogs!


Neuro Chick- Kid Doc said...

It is always nice to see fellow SGUers in the blogosphere. Thanks for visiting mine and keep up the writing. Enjoy 2nd term!