Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blog Rounds

Edit Note: As pointed out by my former roommate and subsequently confirmed on Urban Dictionary, Gunner more appropriately means someone that will do anything to get ahead and purposely sabotage fellow students/workers to get ahead. The definition of gunner below better resembles geeky over-achiever.

Starting a new tradition to get myself to post more often: Blog Rounds. Since I am not allowed anywhere near patients for quite some time, I figured I could do a weekly webside routine with various blogs of the medical world. And yes, it was inspired by Grand Rounds except that theirs is interesting and GRAND. I'm just looking to consolidate the stories I found in Google Reader ;)

So let's begin:

The Blog that Ate Manhattan did a nice job of summarizing the med blogosphere's thoughts on the iPad as well as giving her own opinion. The tablet concept for hardware appears to have obvious uses in medicine, but the details will get worked out in the software realm.

Callous Callostomy meanwhile tackles the 'gunner' attitude head on. At any school there are people that see those that work hard academically and like to poke fun, it's the same at med school (here too). I have two thoughts on this: 1. The number of times someone uses Gunner is in direct proportion to the number of hours they are secretly studying their a** off while pretending not to be/care. 2. C'mon people! We are in med school - the harder you work the better doc you will be and people's lives depend on us knowing stuff, not just knowing enough to pass the boards.

Finally, just in time for my Neuroscience class is a nice post from Dr. Shock on the neuroscience of jazz. I plan on re-reading this once I have finished Neuro as looking at it now I see lots of terms already mentioned in class... that I should be studying!

That's all for this round... time to hit the handouts.