Saturday, March 19, 2011

Reboot and Open Access

My guilty spiral of not posting, and then having things to post but not enough mental energy/time, seemed to be stalled in a perpetual procrastination spiral, but then I ran across a fellow med student blogger - Lex MD - and realized that I don't need to write paragraphs of detail about, well, studying without internet (it really works - thank you silly campus Bradford security restrictions!) in order to keep things going here - or at my other neglected blog with Global Pulse Journal (though I have been keeping up with the twitter account). So even with Step 1 slowly creeping towards me, I hope to have a little more of a social-net presence.

Speaking of journals, I've been loosely following the Open Access debate going on in the scientific journal community. It seems that one of the journals I published at supports the DC Principles for Free Access to Science, purporting to be a middle way between traditional publishers and open access advocates like the Public Library of Science and the NIH. An interesting debate - any thoughts out there in blog land about this?