Monday, December 7, 2009

First Final Finished

Biochemistry is now over. Time to move on to first Histology and then Anatomy. I had a lukewarm relationship with biochem. There were parts of the class I found fascinating at first glance, such as discussions on obesity and metabolic syndrome, and others that after working really hard to understand I grew to appreciate, best example being lipid metabolism. Most frustrating was probably the endless amounts of coenzymes and cofactors that we had to simply memorize. A better organized list of what coenzymes went with what reactions could've been very helpful for the exam at least.

The best moment of the class probably came during the final, as I was reading through a question with blood test results of ALP, GGT, AST, ALT and Bilirubin and using information from the patient history (sick last week) and physical exam (yellow sclera) to come up with a diagnosis. Then actually creating a differential as I went through the question. That felt good, that felt like I am on my way to actually becoming a doctor.


Mary said...

Woo-hoo! My first final is finished too! I'll be done by Thursday afternoon. And yikes! Endless memorization sounds way boring! And creating a diagnosis based on history, test results, and an exam? Sweeeet! Paging Dr. John to the "You're on your way to being an awesome doctor" room! How super exciting!!!